Black History Makers Market! The new "Little Africa"?
If you’ve been living under a rock it might be time to STARt over fresh and join the world! (Lol I had to). The 2021 Black History Makers Market just might considerably be a glimpse into a futuristic new “Little Africa” bringing black individuals from all paths and positions together in a effort to encourage a sense of community amongst those in search of prehistoric and present identity as well as proper economic gain for generations to come.
2021 Black History Makers market
Black owned businesses from across Tampa and the Tampa Bay Area setup shop side by side with culture and passion at it’s finest. With desires to eradicate the undetectable choke hold of those which take ownership of set wealth, these business owners set out to change the narrative and re-write history!
Our crew did have the pleasure of attending The 2021 Black History Makers Market powered by EVOZ & “ build a T-shirt emporium “. We stopped by many of the businesses who shared their stories as well as their products and services (for a well deserved fee of course duhh lol). From essential oils & fragrances to cheesecake stuffed SNOWBALLS! All of your everyday necessities were front and center ready to take back POWER in their community.
A few items we picked up from the market
Now that’s what I call UNITY! But it can’t be done without YOU so next time you see a young boy or girl selling water on the side of the road support their business after all water is good for you! Also while you’re at it tell them Rcoy sent’cha.